Alcovit Rings in the New Year with an International Expansion

Alcovit Rings in the New Year with an International Expansion

Jun 01 , 2021

Alcovit Rings in the New Year with an International Expansion

- Biotake's Hangover Remedy Goes Global


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Jan. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Should old acquaintances be forgotten and never brought to mind, you might be a bit too tipsy. That said, keep the holidays merry and bright with a dose of Alcovit.

If you're like most people, you can't wait to put 2020 behind you. So, let the good times roll in 2021, and consider the latest developments from the experts at Biotake GmbH. This German pharmaceutical company has a revolutionary new product that could change the way the world rings in the new year (as well as birthdays, anniversaries, and any old gathering). Biotake's Alcovit supplement encourages you to fully enjoy your (socially distant) festivities without worrying about the tell-tale aches and pains that might follow. After years of development and testing, this cocktail of vitamins and minerals offers next-day hangover relief.

With roots in Germany, Alcovit has international appeal that stems from Biotake's global reach. Founded by Reinhard Nickchen and Klaus Juelicher, their decades of experience are steeped in naturopathic practices in the Far East and pharmaceutical successes in the heart in Europe. They've devoted their careers to creating biologically sourced, heavily researched products, and Alcovit is no exception. Biotake's supplements are ISO 13485 compliant - a distinction that's recognized by the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Brazil and the European Union. Additionally, within the E.U., Alcovit is recognized as a Class IIa medical device and is registered with Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration.

As a result, Alcovit has found success in Europe, Asia, and down under. Soon, people outside of Australia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Sweden will be able to partake in the hangover remedy. With more releases coming to the North and South American markets - including forthcoming launches in the United States and Brazil in addition to active sales in Mexico - Alcovit's mean, green, vitamin-rich powder will become part of everyone's post-party routine. As we wait for it to be stocked on the shelves of every American retailer, it's available online.

Alcovit comes in a variety of package sizes, ranging from one to twenty-five servings, and it's an ideal item for anyone's medicine cabinet. Yet, if you really want to be a hero, bring a six-pack of beer and a six-pack of Alcovit to your next gathering. That way, you can contribute to the general buzz of your fellow merry-makers as well as their productivity the following day. In the corporate sphere, if any managers have a budget to burn, they could send some Alcovit care packages to their remote employees. Thus ensuring that everyone participating in the company's virtual happy hour can wine-up on Zoom, then wind-down afterwards.

Alcovit just might be the perfect non-alcoholic chaser for your alcoholic night-cap.